The Fiefdom of Baron Jonah

The Layout of the Battlements

Status of Baron's Fiefdom

Good Traits: Populous, Strong, Peaceful, Orderly, Prosperous
Bad Traits: Depleted, Rebellious, Corrupt
Region Flaw -- Ancient

Current Affairs in the Baronial Court

  • Heir Apparent John
  • Warden Gate Catherine
  • Sheriff Peter
  • Valet Chester
  • Exchequer Benjamin -- Numerous allies among the worshipers of the One True Faith. Extremely old or young for position. Long forgotten lover or paramour of another member of court.

  • Emissary Sarah
  • Steward Ishmael -- Skilled at unarmed combat.

    Recent Post Vacancy -- Armorer
    Pending Mishap -- Valet
    Prime Skullduggery -- Emissary

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